It’s been a wild and exciting year with our Gadget Geeks so far. They’ve given us inspiring content and workshops that helped us elevate our skills. Looking back to all our workshops with our Gadget Geeks, it’s been a wild ride!
We’ve talked about Travelling with Lilliane Cobiao, Food photography with Tristan Cua, The journey of creating a music video with Direk JC Gellidon, Color grading with Seb Gilbert, Street photography with Coach Evan Grabador.
Taking care of our mental and physical health with Cay Kuijpers, Creative freedom in a restrictive environment with Ardie Lopez and Aerial Photography with Edwin Martinez.
Are you ready for a new adventure with us? On December 21, at 7:00PM, our Gadget Geek Jason Magbanua—Wedding Videographer, Industry Gamechanger, Visual Storyteller, Star of the Night, An All-Around Nice Guy—will be teaching us about Shooting 10-bit and log.
It’s a bit more advanced than our other workshops and the best thing about it is that what would normally be a paid kind of workshop will be available to you here at Urban Gadgets for FREE!!
Save the Date! See you next Tuesday, December 21, live at our Facebook page!