My Dive Buddy

Photographer: Wowie Wong
Location: Apo Island, Negros Oriental
Camera Used: GoPro

This was taken approximately 5 meters deep within the depths of Apo Island in Negros Oriental using a 360-degree array of 6 GoPro cameras housed in a 360Abyss™ v4. All six images are stitched all together to form a total resolution of 8K. In terms of the difficulty of taking this shot, it can be very difficult if you’re not familiar with turtles’ behaviors. I had a rare moment swimming with this turtle for over 4 minutes, a once in a lifetime experience


  1. When shooting wildlife underwater, safety is of utmost concern. Your depth, dive plan, and remaining air in the tank should constantly be reviewed.
  2. Always remember respect. We are the guests in the underwater kingdom. We don’t run to our subjects. We let the subjects come to us.
  3. Anticipate the shot and thus, be ready with your settings. We are only given a fraction of a second to get that wildlife shot.