Insta360 One X2: The Pocket Camera Crew + Christmas Promo

by crystalsnow

We’re seeing a lot more stunning content on social media these days and whether it was brought about by an active desire to learn a new skill or a more passive approach brought by boredom, it has certainly livened up the feed and increased our expectation and appetite for more visually appealing content.

The more creative content we see online — high definition, 360, panoramic, stabilized action shots — were certainly doable even years before but with more expensive equipment and professional know-how, so only a few of these graced our timeline. These days, thanks to handy and intelligent gadgets like the Insta360 One X2, anyone can try their hand at creating stunning videos. Here are a few features that make it an exceptional camera and one you’ll want to have for the coming holidays, as you dub yourself “The New and Improved Official Videographer of the Group”:

Gives amazing footage with little effort.

You only have to know what you’re subject is, and make sure it’s in the shot. That is the minimum requirement.You can leave the rest to technology.

Smart and functional design

10 years ago, if you had told me that I could shoot a TVC worthy video with a device that can fit into my pocket, I would have asked you to get down from the clouds. This camera can do the work of an entire film crew AND fit into your pocket! Now if it could just turn itself on, choose the subject, and press record, it would be perfect.

User-friendly app

Half of the magic happens in the app. Stabilization, effects, stitching for 360, all happens in-app. It’s your secret weapon.

No extra gear is needed…Most times.

You’ll hear some people saying that you can maximize your cameras by getting all the accessories you will need and to a certain extent, this is true. However, the One X2 has the capability to shoot, stabilize, edit, pick frames automatically, level your horizon, track subjects automatically, and even function as either a 360 camera or standard camera without the need for any attachments. Accessories for it are sold separately but it can function beautifully without them.

Okay maybe you need the Invisible Selfie stick (which is always low on stock these days so make sure you add it to your wishlist here: Insta360 One R Invisible Selfie Stick 120cm to get notified, and a MicroSD for all your beautiful footage — but we got you covered there!

Get your Insta360 One X2 from December 18 to 24 and we’ll throw in a 32GB MicroSD for free!

Avail these for only 24,999!

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